Qui sommes-nous ?

Ma photo
Vichy, Allier, France
Hello, We are students in France at the University of Blaise Pascal in Vichy. We are participating in the IBF (International Business with French) program. We study French (introductory level), we speak a little bit of French. We come from Mexico, Poland, United States, China, Taiwan and Canada. We are going to publish posts and photos about food, travel, French culture, and our life experiences in France. Welcome!

Notre classe devant la bibliothèque

mardi 1 mars 2011

Le Pain au Chocolat Aux Amandes

Le meilleure chose que j'ai mangé à Vichy est le pain au chocolat aux amandes. Le Pain au chocolat aux amandes: origine 19 ème siècle à Paris. J'ai choisi ce plat, car il est sucré et est merveilleusement français. J'aime la crème au chocolat le croustillant des amandes. J'en mange au goûter, mais vous pouvez aussi le manger pour le petit déjeuner.

The best thing I have eaten in Vichy is "pain au chocolat aux amandes" It originated in  19th century Paris. I chose this dish because it is sweet and is wonderfully French. I like the creamy chocolate and the crunchy almonds. I eat it for a snack but you can also eat it for breakfast.

love ,

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